CSC 115.005/006 Sonoma State University Spring 2022
Scribbler 2
CSC 115.005/006:
Programming I
Scribbler 2
Instructor: Henry M. Walker

Lecturer, Sonoma State University
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Mathematics, Grinnell College

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More Program Management: Functions, Value Parameters, and Assertions

Preliminary Note

This reading continues the discussion of a family-size simulation, begun in the introductory reading on simulation. Please review that discussion before proceeding.


This reading expands the on-going discussion in this course of approaches to program-management when working to solve complex problems. As part of this discussion, the reading builds on the family-size simulation, begun in the introductory reading on simulation.

As with many computing applications, the family-size problem illustrates that a simple initial question may evolve into a series large and sophisticated problems. To anticipate the evolution of problems under study, this reading helps identify software-development approaches that help manage complexity and ensure program correctness. Some basic issues include:

The beginning segment of this course introduced simple functions as one mechanism to help organize code and address complexity. This reading expands the study of functions in several ways and introduces the concept of assertions.

Reading Outline

Simulation with Functions (Version 3)

As a start in trying to manage complexity for our simulation, we might create a new procedure for the simulation to count children for a couple, using ideas from the introductory reading on program organization. In this approach, we create a procedure simulate_couple ():

/* procedure to simulate the number of children for one couple */
void simulate_couple ()
       /* couple starts with no children */
       int boys = 0;
       int girls = 0;

       /* couple has children */
       while ((boys == 0) || (girls == 0))
           if ((((double) rand()) / ((double) RAND_MAX)) < 0.5) 

       /* reporting of family size */
       printf ("    boys: %2d    girls: %2d    total:  %2d\n", 
          boys, girls, boys + girls);

The procedure begins with a header that includes both a comment describing the function's purpose and the formal C definition:

void simulate_couple ()
   // body of function goes here

The body of the function, placed within braces { }, describes the full simulation for a couple, previously contained within the main program.

The main part of the program then becomes quite simple:

  int couple;
  for (couple = 0; couple < numberOfCouples; couple++)
      simulate_couple ();

With void simulate_couple() defined, the main program simply calls the procedure.

Taking program organization one step further, we might put the main couple loop in its own simulate_several_couples procedure.

/* procedure to conduct simulation for several couples */
void simulate_several_couples ()
  int couple;
  for (couple = 0; couple < numberOfCouples; couple++)
      simulate_couple ();

Since this procedure uses simulate_couple, the procedure simulate_several_couples should be declared after simulate_couple. With this placement, the compiler will know what simulate_couple represents when the procedure is referenced within simulate_several_couples.

Similarly, simulate_several_couples is used within main, the procedure simulate_several_couples should be defined before main.

The full program is couple-3.c combines these elements into a working program.

Simulation with Functions and Parameters (Version 4)

Within this basic program structure, let us return to the simulation assumption that the gender of a child is equally likely to be a boy or a girl. The programs up to now utilize this assumption by generating a random number between 0.0 and 1.0 and then determining if the number is less than 0.5. To change this assumption, we could compare the random number with a different value. For example, if one assumed the percentage of boys was 51.2%, then 0.5 might be replaced by the decimal 0.512 in the simulation program.

To include this in the simulation of a couple, we change the function header to include a parameter fraction_boys in the parentheses after the procedure name. The revised procedure becomes:

According to an article "Is a pregnant woman's chance of giving birth to a boy 50 percent?" by Marc Weisskopf in the November 15, 2014, issue of Scientific American", "in most industrialized countries about 105 boys are born for every 100 girls, for a ratio of 1.05. ... This is often expressed as the percentage of boys among all births, or about 51.2 percent." The article goes on to identify adjustments in this percentage in different ethnic groups and according to the age of the parents.

/* procedure to simulate the number of children for one couple 
   parameter fraction_boys:  the percentage of boys born, 
                             expressed as a decimal fraction
void simulate_couple (double fraction_boys)
       /* couple starts with no children */
       int boys = 0;
       int girls = 0;

       /* couple has children */
       while ((boys == 0) || (girls == 0))
           if ((((double) rand()) / ((double) RAND_MAX)) < fraction_boys) 

       /* reporting of family size */
       printf ("    boys: %2d    girls: %2d    total:  %2d\n", 
          boys, girls, boys + girls);

In this function,

Once defined, the function simulate_couple may be called as many times as desired. For example, the main program might contain any or all of the following:

simulate_couple (0.500) // run simulate with 50% chance of a boy
simulate_couple (0.512) // run simulate with 51.2% chance of a boy
simulate_couple (0.450) // run simulate with 45% chance of boy

// call the function with successive values for fraction_boys
  double boy_fraction;
  for (boy_fraction = 0.5; boy_fraction <= 0.52; boy_fraction += 0.002)
      simulate_couple (boy_fraction);

In using this function,

For this simulation, we might place the loop for multiple couples within a separate function as well:

/* procedure to conduct simulation for several couples 
   parameter numCouples:     the number of couples to be simulated
   parameter fraction_boys:  the percentage of boys born, 
                             expressed as a decimal fraction
void simulate_several_couples (int numCouples, double fraction_boys)
  printf ("simulation with fraction of boys:  %6.3lf\n", fraction_boys);
  int couple;
  for (couple = 0; couple < numCouples; couple++)
      simulate_couple (fraction_boys);

The function simulate_several_couples handles all work for a specified number of couples and for a designation fraction of boys.

With simulate_several_couples defined, the main program can run the simulation for a range of decimal fractions for the likelihood of boys.

#define numberOfCouples 20


  /* run simulation for several couples */
  double boy_fraction;
  for (boy_fraction = 0.5; boy_fraction <= 0.52; boy_fraction += 0.002)
      simulate_several_couples (numberOfCouples, boy_fraction);

Program couple-4.c prints simulation results for 20 couples for each of the decimal fractions 0.500, 0.502, 0.504, ..., 0.520.

Part of the 232 lines of output from a sample run of this program follows:

Simulation of family size
simulation with fraction of boys:   0.500
    boys:  1    girls:  2    total:   3
    boys:  1    girls:  1    total:   2
    boys:  5    girls:  1    total:   6
    boys:  1    girls:  1    total:   2
simulation with fraction of boys:   0.502
    boys:  1    girls:  1    total:   2
    boys:  2    girls:  1    total:   3
    boys:  1    girls:  5    total:   6
simulation with fraction of boys:   0.504
    boys:  2    girls:  1    total:   3
simulation with fraction of boys:   0.520
    boys:  1    girls:  1    total:   2
    boys:  8    girls:  1    total:   9
    boys:  1    girls:  2    total:   3

Several details apply when using a function with several parameters.

Functions with Return Values (Version 5)

Although the previous simulations provide considerable raw data to address the original question of family size, at least two difficulties may confront a user.

To address these challenges, the program might be modified as follows:

We consider each of these challenges in turn.

Return the Result of a Simulation

To determine an average or a maximum, the simulation for a couple should report the number of children rather than print the results of each simulation.

In C, a function can return a value. For example, in the family size simulation, simulate_couple might return the total number of children for a given couple.

/* procedure to simulate the number of children for one couple 
   parameter fraction_boys:  the percentage of boys born, 
                             expressed as a decimal fraction
   return:  the total number of children for the couple
int simulate_couple (double fraction_boys)
       /* couple starts with no children */
       int boys = 0;
       int girls = 0;

       /* couple has children */
       while ((boys == 0) || (girls == 0))
           if ((((double) rand()) / ((double) RAND_MAX)) < fraction_boys) 

       /* report the family size */
      return boys + girls;

With this adjustment to simulate_couple, the procedure simulate_many_couples can use the result in several ways.

/* procedure to conduct simulation for several couples 
   parameter numCouples:     the number of couples to be simulated
   parameter fraction_boys:  the percentage of boys born, 
                             expressed as a decimal fraction
void simulate_several_couples (int numCouples, double fraction_boys)
   int couple;
  int total_children = simulate_couple (fraction_boys);
  int max_children = total_children;
  for (couple = 1; couple < numCouples; couple++)
      int couple_children = simulate_couple (fraction_boys); 

      /* accumulate total number of children */
      total_children += couple_children;

      /* check for new maximum */
      if (max_children < couple_children)
        max_children = couple_children;

  double avg_children = ((double) total_children) / numCouples;
  printf (" fraction boys:  %6.3lf     average:  %6.2lf     maximum:  %3d\n",
          fraction_boys, avg_children, max_children);

The fully revised program is available as couple-5.c

Sample output from one run of the revised program follows.

Simulation of family size with 1000 couples
 fraction boys:   0.500     average:    3.10     maximum:   13
 fraction boys:   0.502     average:    3.04     maximum:   12
 fraction boys:   0.504     average:    3.05     maximum:   12
 fraction boys:   0.506     average:    2.98     maximum:   11
 fraction boys:   0.508     average:    2.99     maximum:   14
 fraction boys:   0.510     average:    3.05     maximum:   15
 fraction boys:   0.512     average:    3.03     maximum:   13
 fraction boys:   0.514     average:    2.95     maximum:   10
 fraction boys:   0.516     average:    2.94     maximum:   14
 fraction boys:   0.518     average:    3.07     maximum:   10
 fraction boys:   0.520     average:    2.97     maximum:   12

Although these results are open to additional exploration, one the surface it seems that small changes in the percentage of boys have little effect on family size; the average number of children seems to be about 3.

Also, many runs of the program suggest that the maximum number of children over 1000 couples typically is between 10 and 15. However, occasionally, numbers as high as 22 are reported!

Functions with Assertions (Version 6)

Before completing this discussion of functions with parameters and/or return values, some comments regarding correctness are in order.

The family size simulation depended upon a couple having some reasonable chance of having a boy and a girl. In particular, although nothing was stated explicitly, the formal parameter fraction_boys is assumed to be between 0.0 and 1.0, with neither 0.0 or 1.0 allowed. Further, family sizes could be expected to be extremely large if fraction_boys was close to either of these boundary values.

With this in mind, it seems appropriate to place bounds on the allowed limits for fraction_boys. For example, we might want to require that fraction_boys is between 0.33 and 0.66. Toward this end, we might make such an assumption explicit in the header comment for simulate_couple:

/* library for the assert function to check 
   assertions/pre-conditions */
#include <assert.h>

#define numberOfCouples 1000

/* procedure to simulate the number of children for one couple 
   parameter fraction_boys:  the percentage of boys born, 
                             expressed as a decimal fraction
   return:  the total number of children for the couple
   pre-condition:  0.33 <= fraction_boys <= 0.66
int simulate_couple (double fraction_boys)


As a program runs, appropriate processing may depend upon certain assumptions being met. (In the family-size simulation, the probability of a girl must not be either 0.0 or 1.0, for in either case only one gender of children is possible.) As will be discussed later in this reading, C's assert.h library contains a capability assert that allows assumptions to be checked as the program runs.

Assertions, Pre-conditions, and Post-conditions

Generally in solving problems, it is important to develop clear statements of what initial information may be available, what results are wanted, and what circumstances should be true at various points in processing. In computing jargon,

Thus, a pre-condition is an assertion about variable values at the start of processing, and a post-condition is an assertion at the end of a code segment.

It is good programming practice to state the pre- and post-conditions for each procedure or function as comments.

Pre- and Post-Conditions as a Contract

One can think of pre- and post-conditions as a type of contract between the developer of a code segment or function and the user of that function.

As with a contract, pre- and post-conditions also have implications concerning who to blame if something goes wrong.

To Test Pre-Conditions or Not?

Although the user of a function has the responsibility for meeting its pre-conditions, computer scientists continue to debate whether functions should check that the pre-conditions actually are met. Here, in summary, are the two arguments.

Actual practice tends to acknowledge both perspectives in differing contexts. More checking is done when applications are more critical. As an extreme example, in software to launch a missile or administer drugs to a patient, software may perform extensive tests of correctness before taking an action — the cost of checking may be much less than the consequences resulting from unmet pre-conditions.

As a less extreme position, it is common to check pre-conditions once — especially when checking is relatively easy and quick, but not to check repeatedly when the results of a check can be inferred.

The assert function in C

At various points in processing, we may want to check that various pre-conditions or assertions are being met. C's assert function in the assert.h library serves this purpose.

The assert function takes a Boolean expression as a parameter. If the expression is true, processing continues as planned. However, if the expression is false, assert discovers the undesired condition, and processing is halted with an error message.

Applying assert to the simulate_couple function in the family-size simulation, we might add the following at the very beginning of the function.

  /* actively enforce the pre-condition */
  assert ((0.33 <= fraction_boys) && (fraction_boys <= 0.66));

With this addition, simulate_couple will check its pre-condition as it starts processing. If this assertion is valid, the function will proceed as desired. However, if this function is used with fraction_boys outside the specified range, the program will terminate and an error will be reported.

In the case of this simulation, a value for fraction_boys outside the specified range might lead to a very long loop or possibly an infinite loop. The assert test avoids such circumstances.

Program couple-6.c includes the assert statement within the full family-size simulation.

For the family-size simulation, values for fraction_boys outside the specified range might be annoying, but a user can stop the program manually with "control-C". However, in some other applications, identified errors might be dangerous and require user action. For example, if a program were administering drugs in a hospital or launching a missile, any identified error likely should lead to a stoppage of the program and a careful review by people on the scene!


Material on assertions, pre-conditions, and post-conditions is based on material for CSC 161 at Grinnell College, created 18 May 2008 by Henry M. Walker, revised 7 February 2010, and edited with updated format 4 November 2014.

created 24 July 2016 by Henry M. Walker
revised 5 August 2016 by Henry M. Walker
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