CSC 115.005/006 Sonoma State University Spring 2022
Scribbler 2
CSC 115.005/006:
Programming I
Scribbler 2
Instructor: Henry M. Walker

Lecturer, Sonoma State University
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Mathematics, Grinnell College

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Laboratory Exercise on Two-dimensional Arrays


This laboratory exercise provides practice with the declaration and use of 2-dimensional arrays.

Work Started in Class

Working with Tables

Example: Daily Precipitation for Six Cities

Consider a table that presents the amount of precipitation for six cities over an eight day period: December 18-25, 2014.

Chicago Denver Des Moines Phoenix San Jose Seattle
Date Illinois Colorado Iowa Arizona California Washington
Dec. 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51
Dec. 19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.12
Dec. 20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.77
Dec. 21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Dec. 22 0.28 0.14 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00
Dec. 23 0.13 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.02 0.81
Dec. 24 0.12 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.04 0.21
Dec. 25 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Totals 0.53 0.35 0.77 0.00 0.31 2.42

This type of table arises frequently:

Program city-precipitation.c stores the precipitation data for this table in a two-dimensional array and prints the table.

Exercises with city precipitation data

  1. City Precipitation: Copy city-precipitation.c to your account, compile it, and run it.

    1. How is the precip array declared and initialized?
      • What do the notations [8] and [6] represent?
      • How are the initial values for each row specified?
      • Could the number of rows be omitted (e.g., precip [ ] [6])?
        (An explanation is given later in this lab)
      • Could the number of columns be omitted (e.g., precip [6] [ ])?
        (An explanation is given later in this lab)
    2. How are the rows and columns referenced and printed?
      (Note that a nested loop is common in processing a 2D array or table.)
    3. How is the array precip passed from the main procedure to computeCityPrecip?
    4. How is the 2D array specified in the signature for computeCityPrecip?
      • Could the number of rows be omitted (e.g., rain [ ] [6])?
        (An explanation is given later in this lab)
      • Could the number of columns be omitted (e.g., rain [6] [ ])?
        (An explanation is given later in this lab)
    5. How does processing proceed in computeCityPrecip and why? Explain briefly.
  2. Expand city-precipitation.c to add a function computeDayPrecip that computes and returns the total precipitation for a given day, given the day number.

    • The function should have the following signature:
      double computeDayPrecip (double rain [8][6], int dayNum);
    • The function should not print anything — just compute and return the desired function. (Printing can be done in the main procedure, where formatting needs for the ouptut is known.)
    • Use the function within the main program by adding a column to the table and also by adding a new section at the bottom of the output.
  3. As a separate section in the main program, use function computeCityPrecip to determine the city with the greatest amount of precipitation over the time range covered by the table.

  4. Write a function totalPrecipitation that takes the precipitation array as a parameter and returns the total amount of precipitation from all of the citites over the full timespan covered by the table. Again, the procedure should compute and return the total, but printing should be done in the main program.

More Experiments with Table Storage

  1. The layout of a table in memory impacts what data are accessed when a subscript is out of range, as illustrated in these experiments with the program city-precipitation.c from earlier in this lab.

    1. In city-precipitation.c, add a printf statement at the end of program to check that the table entry precip [5][6] gives the amount of rain for Seattle, WA on December 23.
    2. What values are printed when the entries precip [5][7] and precip [5][9]? Explain why these values are printed, based on the layout of memory.
    3. What values are printed for precip [6][0] and precip [6][-1]? Again, explain why these values are obtained.
  2. Make a copy of city-precipitation.c, perhaps calling it city-precipitation-alt.c, and change the declaration of the precip array to allow space for another city.

    1. The precip should be declared as
      double precip [8][7] = { /* use same initializations as before */
    2. Do not change the initialization of the array, so values are given for 6 cities, even though space is allocated for 7 citites.
    3. Do not change the printing of tables, but do change the printing loop for the table, so the col variable covers the extra city column.
    4. What values are printed for the extra city? What can you hypothesize about how rows are initialized, if not all data are given to complete a row?
    5. Repeat Steps 5a, 5b, and 5c with this larger array. Explain what is printed?
    6. How would you adjust the column index in the print statements in Steps 5a, 5b, and 5c to obtain the same values printed before?

Declaration of 2-dimensional Arrays

The layout of a table in memory requires the computer to know the width of a table. Without knowing the width, the location of entry table [i][j] cannot be computed. This is illustrated further in the following exercises.

  1. The following program will not compile. Copy the program 2D-array.c and look over the various array declarations.

    The program is supposed to print out the sizes of each of the valid arrays and all of their rows one by one. Note that an integer is 4 bytes, and arrays in the program are arrays of integers. Thus, to find the size of an array the program multiplies how many integers are in the array by the size of an integer, which is 4 bytes. This is why you get 4 times the number of things there are in the array.

    1. Which array declarations are invalid and are preventing the program from compiling? Do you see a pattern of when it is invalid? Comment out the lines that are not working.

    2. Write in comments next to each array what the size of the whole array is and what the size of each row is?

    3. How many elements does each array hold?

    4. Write loops to display the contents of each array. You should use seperate nested for loops for each array.

    5. Check whether you were correct on how many elements each array holds.

    6. Add another array, array6[][], which has the numbers (0, 1, 2, 3) in the first row, (2, 4, 6, 8) in the second row, and (3, 6, 9, 12) in the third row. Display the array once you have declared and initialized it.

  2. Returning to your copy of city-precipitation.c (perhaps called city-precipitation-alt.c), try making the following changes one by one. After making one change, go back to the original code before making the next change.
    Parameter(s) for computeCityPrecip Call in main
    (double rain [ ][6], int cityNum) (precip, col)
    (double rain [8][ ], int cityNum) (precip, col)
    (double rain [ ][ ], int cityNum) (precip, col)
    (int numCities, double rain [ ][numCities ], int cityNum) (6, precip, col)
    (double rain [ ][numCities ], int numCities, int cityNum) (precip, 6, col)

    In each case, indicate why the code works, or why the compiler generates an error message.

Yet More Experimentation with Declarations

The following exercise is from Samuel Rebelsky's lab on multi-dimensional arrays: multi-dimensional arrays

  1. Consider the following code:

        int rabbit[2][3] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
        int r, c;
        for (r = 0; r < 2; r++)
            for (c = 0; c < 3; c++)
                printf ("rabbit[%d,%d] = %d\n", r, c, rabbit[r][c]);
    1. What do you expect to happen when you try to compile this code inside of a main() method?

    2. Check your answer experimentally.

    3. What do you expect to happen when you try to run this code?

    4. Check your answer experimentally.

  2. Now replace your display loops with the following code:

         for (c = 0; c < 3; c++)
             for (r = 0; r < 2; r++)
                 printf ("rabbit[%d,%d] = %d\n", r, c, rabbit[r][c]);
    1. What do you expect to happen when you try to run this code?

    2. Check your answer experimentally.

    What is going on here is that two dimensional arrays are actually stored in memory as single dimensional arrays, laid out row after row. (As noted earlier, this is called row-major form.) There are some cool things which you can do with this, such as putting a Picture * into a two dimensional Pixel array with a function that treats the Pixel[][] array as a single dimensional Pixel array. You will see this shortly.


Example: Distances between Cities

Consider the following table that shows the distance, in miles, between eight cities in Iowa. (All distances are reported by the Iowa Department of Transportation at .)

Cedar Rapids Council Bluffs Davenport Des Moines Grinnell Iowa City Mason City Sioux City
Cedar Rapids 245 72 114 71 24 134 273
Council Bluffs 245 301 131 182 242 238 95
Davenport 72 301 171 118 56 206 341
Des Moines 114 131 171 51 114 120 194
Grinnell 71 182 118 51 63 127 232
Iowa City 24 242 56 114 63 153 291
Mason City 134 238 206 120 127 153 204
Sioux City 273 95 341 194 232 291 204
  1. Write a program that

    • stores the names of the cities in a char * array,
    • stores the city distances in a 2-dimensional array,
    • prints the table,
    • computes the average distance from each city to all of the other cities,
    • prints the city with the smallest average distance to the other cities,
    • prints the city with the largest average distance to the other cities,
    • computes the maximum distance in the table, and prints the two cities with that distance, and
    • asks the user to enter two city names and prints the distance between those cities.
  2. Step 11 asks you to store the cities in a char * array. Rewrite the program, so the cities are stored in a 2-dimensional array instead. That is, each row of the table will contain text for a city, and the letters will fill in the columns of each row.


    • Council Bluffs is the longest name. Counting the null character at the end of the string, this name requires space for at least 15 characters.
    • Changing a city char * array to a two-dimensional array will require editing only about 6 characters. All of the rest of the program can remain unchanged!

created 2 August 2011 by Erik Opavsky
revised 8 August 2011 by Erik Opavsky
modest editing 23 October 2011 by Dilan Ustek and Henry M. Walker
modest reformatting 6 November 2011 by Henry M. Walker
minor editing 25 October 2013 by Henry M. Walker
reformatting, modest editing, discussion of 2D storage 1-2 February 2014 by Henry M. Walker
readings added 19 September 2014 by Henry M. Walker
lab reworked 28 December 2014, 20 October 2016 by Henry M. Walker
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For more information, please contact Henry M. Walker at