Prior to lab discussion topics:1) What is, and how do you make, a web page?Create and View a Web Page on Your Computer 2) Group skills discussionGroups are a tool. Like any tool they can do helpful, neutral, or unhelpful things. The goal of our group projects is to learn skills that allow us to increase the helpfulness of groups, while also learning skills that help us decrease the unhelpful elements of groups. Increasing group helpfulness skills: 1) Collaboration is good for coding. We're Teaching Coding All Wrong 2) Many things are commonly reported as helpful aspects of group work such as listed on this web site: Eberly Center - Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation 3) One way to increase group helpfulness is to follow a procedure when starting a group project like the procedure listed on the following web site: 4) How to feel comfortable in group. How to overcome anxiety and be great at group work Decreasing group unhelpful elements: Just as important is decreasing the unhelpful elements of groups. Below are some of the most reported problems with groups: Problems:
Potential Solution:
Potential Solution: