CS101 Grading Policies:
- 50% of your CS101 grade will come from lecture and 50% of
your CS101 grade will come from lab.
- You must pass both the lecture and the lab portions of this
course to pass the class. This means you must get at least a
D- (54% average) in both lecture and lab.
- At the end of the semester what you obtained out of the 50%
possible from lecture will be added to what you obtained out
of the 50% possible from lab to obtain a overall percentage
between 0% and 100%. This overall percentage will be applied
to the following grading scale to determine your overall CS101
grade (assuming you have passed both lecture and lab):
A (100.0% - 94%) |
A- (93.9% - 90.0%) |
B+ (89.9% - 86.0%) |
B (85.9% - 82.0%) |
B- (81.9% -78.0%) |
C+ (77.9% - 74.0%) |
C (73.9% - 70.0%) |
C- (69.9% - 66.0%) |
D+ (65.9% - 62.0%) |
D (61.9% - 58.0%) |
D- (57.9% - 54.0%) |
F (53.9% - 0.0%) |
The 50% of your CS101 grade derived from lecture will be
determined as follows:
- Research Project - 6%
- 1st Lecture Exam = 2%
- 2nd Lecture Exam = 2%
- 3rd Lecture Exam = 5%
- 4th Lecture Exam = 5%
- 5th Lecture Exam = 5%
- 6h Lecture Exam = 5%
- 7th Lecture Exam = 5%
- 8th Lecture Exam = 5%
- Attendance and Participation = 4%
- Final = 6%
- Total = 50%
Please read and understand the following important information
about lecture grades:
- The Research Project will be completed during the fifth
lecture meeting and will be worth 6% towards your grade.
- Lecture exams will be administered in lab.
- If you miss a lecture exam you can make it up during any lab
taught by your instructor prior to your lab section taking the
next lecture exam. If you have not made up the exam by
attending another lab prior to your lab taking the next
lecture exam your last chance to makeup the exam will be
during the lab period your lab section is taking the next
lecture exam.
- The dates for the lecture exams are posting on the Lab
Schedule web page.
- You are responsible for all material presented or assigned
in CS 101 lecture. Material for the lecture exams will be
taken from all material presented or assigned in lecture even
if the material is not directly covered during a class period.
The 50% of your CS101 grade derived from lab will be
determined as follows:
- Lab Attendance = 4%
- Lab Programming Projects = 12%
- Office Training Completion = 18%
- Complete Student Study Plan = 16%
- Total = 50%
Please read and understand the
following important information about lab grades:
- Lab
attendance is mandatory and counts 4% toward your overall
CS101 grade. Attendance will be taken during each lab. You
get two excused absences that will not count against your
grade. However, you must still complete any missed lab
assignments by their due date to earn the missed assignment
grade. Each absence after two will be counted as an
unexcused absence. Your first unexcused absence will lower
your attendance grade 2%. Your second unexcused absence will
lower your attendance grade 2%. If you miss 5 labs total,
you can be dropped from CS101. If you cannot regularly
attend the lab section for which you are enrolled, you must
drop CS 101 since attendance is mandatory
- Programming projects are when you create something on the
computer to be turned in for grading. The first programming
project is for extra credit. Each of the remaining programming
projects will be worth 4% of your overall grade. When you turn
in a lab project you will be turning in a Grade Sheet. After
your instructor grades your project the Grade Sheet will be
returned to you with your grade (score) recorded on the Grade
Sheet. Each student should hold on to the Grade Sheet until
they verify that the grade has been accurately recorded in
their SIMnet Grade tab. Lab projects are assigned and
completed in Darwin 24. If you work on a lab project for an
entire period, and do not finish the project, you earn an
extension. If you do need to work on the lab project during
the extension you need to return to the Darwin 24 lab to
complete your assignment. You can work on your lab project
during other labs periods or during open lab (see Lab
Schedule). Lab projects are due at the beginning of
your next lab project session. If you miss a lab project lab
session you have until your lab section starts the next lab
project to complete the assignment. You can go to any lab
section to make up a missed lab session. Late lab projects
will not be accepted.
- Lab Office training is when you are required to complete
training presented in SIMnet. Each SIMnet Office training
will be worth 2% of your overall grade . There are 9 total
Office training's. Training in Microsoft Office will be
explained and assigned in lab using SIMnet. Most SIMnet
training will be completed in lab. If you do not complete a
SIMnet training you must makeup the training prior to the next
time your lab section meets. You can attend other lab
sections taught by your instructor to makeup training (see Lab
Schedule). To work on SIMnet training outside of class
you will need a computer that runs either a Macintosh,
Windows, or Chrome operating system and meets the requirements
here. If you do not have a computer you can use the
many SSU library or SSU lab computers to access the SIMnet web
site at https://sonoma.simnetonline.com.
- Your Student Exploration Plan will account for 16% of your
grade. You will come up with your own exploration plan. Once
you come up with your exploration plan and get it approved by
your instructor each of the four sessions you work on the plan
will be worth 4% of your overall grade. Topics will range from
programming to Office training to computer skills, etc. Your
instructor will go over available topics.
- You are expected to arrive on time and participate in lab.
- No food or drink in lab with the following two exceptions:
1) Any type of food can be keep on the Food and Drink table by
the door. 2) Liquids in non breakable containers with spill
proof lids can be keep at your seat as long as they are placed
in such a way that they will not be knocked over and roll
- You will be encouraged to use other students for advice and
support during completion of lab programming projects and
other class assignments. However, you must independently
complete any work you turn in. Any work that is copied from
another and turned in as a student's own will result in
disciplinary consequences ranging from an F on the assignment
to an F for the course and expulsion from the University.
Please do your own assignments since the knowledge gained is
useful and the consequences of copying can be severe. Here is
the SSU Cheating
and Plagiarism policy. Along with the above CS101
grading polices there are important University policies that
you should be aware of, such as the add/drop policy, cheating
and plagiarism policy, grade appeal procedures, accommodations
for students with disabilities, and the diversity vision
statement. Go to this URL to find about more: http://www.sonoma.edu/policies.
Academic Disruption Disclaimer
This syllabus is based on the University academic calendar and
class schedule as/of the beginning of the semester. If fires,
power outages, plagues, or other events necessitate changes to
either one, this syllabus may be revised accordingly. No content
will be added to the course, but assignments and activities may
be removed, revised, or rescheduled as appropriate. I will
always communicate these changes, and the rationale for them, to
you as soon as possible via class session and the CS101 homepage
and website. If you feel that a particular revision to the
syllabus is disproportionately burdensome to you compared to the
average student, please let me know, and I will do my best to
accommodate your concerns in a way that is fair to all students.
Campus Policy on Disability Access for Students
If you are a student with a disability, and think you may need
academic accommodations, please contact Disability Services for
Students (DSS), located in Schulz 1014A, Voice: (707) 664-2677,
TTY/TDD: (707) 664-2958, as early as possible in order to avoid
a delay in receiving accommodation services. Use of DSS
services, including testing accommodations, requires prior
authorization by DSS in compliance with university policies and
procedures. See SSU’s policy on Disability Access for Students https://policies.sonoma.edu/policies/disability-access-students.