The description and instructions for the content-specific elements
of a Signature Project Report are organized into several sections.
As described below, this Project has a substantial overall scope.
However, to help make this work manageable, students will work in
groups of four or five, and groups will meet for discussion and
feedback. Specific assignments for individual student work are
posted on Canvas.
At a high level, course work in computer science at SSU studies a
wide range of topics regarding the design, implementation,
efficiency, and testing of algorithms. Although many questions arise
naturally during this work, the Signature Project focuses on several
of the following, with specific assignments described in the
small-group and individual assignments specified on Canvas.
In order for students to gather sufficient data related to the
motivating questions, students will be organized into teams of four
or five, and each student will be assigned several distinct project
components, involving writing/modifying, testing, and running code.
In addition, each student will write a report describing elements of
programs and analyzing test runs. With this work completed (in a
reasonably complete draft form), team members will meet to discuss
their own findings, to give feedback to others, and to discuss
potential answers to the motivating questions.
Individual student work requires completion of three
components. Students should consult the course page on Canvas to
determine which track(s) must be completed individually within a
The following table summarizes the components and tracks within a component, and
indicates which motivating question(s) the components help address.
| Description
| Motivating Question(s) Addressed
| Checklist of Required Work
When transitioning from an array of integers (or other
primitive data type) to more complex data elements, it is
natural to declare an object with multiple data fields. For
this project, a Person will have fields for an
individual's first name and surname, city, state (or
territory), and telephone number.
At the level of coding, the non-numeric fields within
a Person could be stored as a
C++ string or a C-style char * .
Further, if Person fields will be initialized
with a constructor, but never changed, these fields might (or
might not) be specified with const . In software
development, natural questions arise as to whether/how such
implementation details might impact code readability,
maintenance, operability, and efficiency.
When ordering an array of Person s, at least seven
case-sensitive orderings seem natural:
- by first name (comparison of strings)
- by surname (comparison of strings)
- by combined surname and first name (use surnames, but if
surnames match, then compare first names)
- by city (comparison of strings)
- by state/territory (comparison of strings)
- by state/territory and city (use state/territory, but if
state/territory names match then compare cities)
- by telephone number (stored and ordered as long integers)
For these orderings equality and ordering are handled by
different methods within the Person class, where
each method examines only one or two fields, and ignores the others.
Although constructors and public methods for variations in
the Person class need not impact the use of the
class in applications, variations in private fields lead to
two different header files. For the purposes of this
assignment, two versions of a Person class are
considered for this project:
- Implementation with some fields involving
String objects: a header
file Person.hpp
and [partial] implementation
file Person.cpp.
- Implementation with some fields involving C-style strings
const char * pointers
and char arrays): a header
file PersonAlt.hpp
and [partial] implementation
file PersonAlt.cpp.
Work for this project component:
- Download these header and implementation files, and
complete any unimplemented code.
- Note: The header files must not be changed for this
Before editing any programs, compile and
run Person.cpp
and PersonAlt.cpp
(and save the output). Then answer these questions
(which likely will be the same for both programs).
As a Signature Project, answers to each question
must involve several complete sentences. (Expect
point penalties for sentence fragments.)
equalName compares first names
and surnames separately. Another approach might
concatenate the surname followed by the first name,
and then compare the concatenated strings. Why
might this second approach yield incorrect results
in some cases?
Explain how the testing is done in the main
procedure of these two programs. For example, what
is the purpose of each of the 2-dimensional
equalNameResults , etc.?
Do the test cases in this main procedure fully cover the
possible cases that might arise for the methods in
this class? If some cases seem unnecessary,
identify them, and explain why they are
superfluous. If all cases are essential, justify
your conclusion.
Describe the output obtained by running
For example, the output is structured into parts.
Identify each part, and indicate what, if any,
summary statements are made.
Does the output
from PersonAlt.cpp
differ from that obtained from
Describe any differences found, if any.
Complete Person.cpp
and PersonAlt.cpp,
by expanding the method stubs in each program.
Expanded code will be needed in each program for methods
equalFirstName , equalSurname ,
equalCity , equalStateTerritory ,
equalLocation , equalTelephone ,
comesBeforeFirstName , comesBeforeSurname ,
comesBeforeName , comesBeforeCity ,
comesBeforeStateTerritory , comesBeforeLocation .
In most cases, the completed methods can serve
as a starting reference to complete the stubs.
For each stub, the 2 lines of the method body
can be replaced by no more than 6 nicely
formatted lines—and most can involve just
1 or 2 simple lines of code!
Thus, the overall time for completing the stubs
can be rather modest— and this work may
provide a reasonable review of both C++ and
C-based strings.)
Although the main procedure of each program contains
thorough testing for most methods, code is not
included for testing
or comesBeforeName . Expand the current
testing with code to test these two additional
methods. (Once you have completed this testing code
in one program, it likely can be added to the second
program with a cut-and-paste.)
Run each program and save the output obtained.
Note the header of both
and PersonAlt.cpp provides
instructions regarding how to compile and run the
program in a terminal window, and how to compile
to an object file which can be used in
Explain how the structure of the program supports
both this testing and the use of the program. For
example, why/how can command-line statements yield
two different types of compiled files?
Based on your testing output, explain (in at least a
few sentences) why you believe your program is
Note: Be sure your completed code for this project component is
correct, as it will be used in other components.
| Initial part, Motivating Question 1
| All students should submit all of
the following:
- answers to questions asked regarding the initial programs
(before stubs were completed)
- a full listing of programs
and PersonAlt.cpp , with all stubs completed in each
program, and with thorough testing. (Testing should involve all
methods, including the two additional tests you wrote.)
- output from the completed program.
- complete answers (in English sentences) for the questions
about compiling the programs for different purposes and
about the correctness of both programs.
Program sortAlgsForInts.c
provides C code for several sorting algorithms applied to
integers, and for testing those algorithms. This component of
the Signature Project explores what changes might be needed to
translate these algorithms to arrays of objects of
the Person class, and also to explore the extent to
which adding procedures for clarity and readability might impact
run-time efficiency.
Program sortAlgsForPersons.cpp
contains a framework for timing versions of the Insertion Sort
and two other sorting algorithms for random Person
arrays. To help make this work manageable, students will have
different assignments (A, B, C, or D), as specified on Canvas.
- This assignment focuses on
from sortAlgsForInts.c:
- Translate the code to sort arrays of
objects, placing the resulting code as the implementation
of sortAlgA
in sortAlgsForPersons.cpp
- Modify this code to obtain an implementation
sortAlgB , by writing your own swap procedure
and calling that in the selection sort to
swap a[smallestIndex] and a[i]
- This assignment focuses on
from sortAlgsForInts.c:
- Translate the code to sort arrays of
objects, placing the resulting code as the implementation
of sortAlgA
in sortAlgsForPersons.cpp
- Modify this code to obtain an implementation
sortAlgB , by writing your own procedure that
inserts the max element into the last position by sliding
other elements down and calling that in the selection sort to
at the end of the outer loop.
- This assignment focuses on the traditional, recursive merge
sort, involving a basic
method and a helper traditionalMerge procedure
from sortAlgsForInts.c:
- Translate the code to sort arrays of
objects, naming the resulting code for
the traditionalMergeSort
as sortAlgA and including an appropriate helper
(perhaps still named traditionalMergeSort ).
- The
traditionalMerge procedure ends with
two loops which copy larr and rarr
back to array . Write your own procedure that
copies a segment of one array to a designated position in
another array, and the use your procedure in a
revised newMerge procedure that replaces the
copying of extra elements by procedure calls. Then copy
the traditionalMergeSort to a new sorting merge
sort method sortAlgB that
uses newMerge rather
than traditionalMerge .
- This assignment focuses on an iterative version of the Merge
tradIterMergeSort , which uses
a traditionalMerge procedure as defined
in sortAlgsForInts.c:
- Translate the code to sort arrays of
objects, placing the resulting code as the implementation
of traditionalMerge ,
and tradIterMergeSort
in sortAlgsForPersons.cpp
(Within sortAlgsForPersons.cpp , tradRecMergeSort
should take the place of sortAlgA .)
- The traditional merge procedure ends with two loops
which copy
larr and rarr back
to array . Write your own procedure that
copies a segment of one array to a designated position
in another array, and the use your procedure in a
revised newMerge procedure that replaces
the copying of extra elements by procedure calls. You
will need to copy your tradIterMergeSort
to a new sortAlgB method that then calls
this newMerge
When you have completed your assigned work on the sorting
algorithms (just handling one of case A, B, C, or D, as
specified on Canvas), follow these instructions.
| Motivating Question 1 (continued)
and Motivating Question 2 (regarding code design for clarity)
| Based on the assignment posted on
Canvas, (A, B, C, or D), each student should submit the
A listing of the extended SortingAlgForPersons.cpp program and the output
it produces.
Discussion of both the relative readability of the code with
and without swap procedures, and analysis of the extent to
which utilizing the swap procedure impacts run time.
This component examines the relative efficiency of recursive
versus iterative implementations of code by comparing two
versions of the same sorting algorithm. For this component, all
students will start by considering
program sortAlgsForInts.c,
which provides C code for several sorting algorithms applied to
integers, and for testing those algorithms. Further,
program sortAlgsForPersons.cpp
contains a framework for timing versions of the Insertion Sort
and two other sorting algorithms for random Person
arrays. To spread the workload over members of small groups,
students will have different assignments (A, B, or C) as
specified on Canvas, as follows:
- This assignment focuses on
from sortAlgsForInts.c:
- Translate the code to sort arrays of
objects, placing the resulting code as the implementation
of sortAlgA
in sortAlgsForPersons.cpp
(This is the same work that is part of assignment A for
Project Component 2.)
- Using your code in
sortAlgA as a base,
rework the algorithm by replacing the outer loop by a
recursive procedure to obtain an implementation
of sortAlgB . (If needed, feel free to
utilize a husk and kernel approach,
with sortAlgB as the husk and a helper method
as the kernel.)
- Note: For the recursive version of this code, you might consult
it possible to have recursive Selection Sort? by Quora.
- This assignment focuses on
from sortAlgsForInts.c:
- Translate the code to sort arrays of
objects, placing the resulting code as the implementation
of sortAlgA
in sortAlgsForPersons.cpp
(This is the same work that is part of assignment B for
Project Component 2.)
- Using your code in
sortAlgA as a base,
rework the algorithm by replacing the outer loop by a
recursive procedure to obtain an implementation
of sortAlgB . (If needed, feel free to
utilize a husk and kernel approach,
with sortAlgB as the husk and a helper method
as the kernel.)
- Note: For the recursive version of this code, you might
Sort Algorithm – Iterative & Recursive | C, Java,
Python by Techie Delight.
- This assignment focuses on both the recursive and
iterative versions of the merge sort
from sortAlgsForInts.c:
In particular, translate the code
as sortAlgA , tradIterMergeSort
as sortAlgB ,
and traditionalMerge as a separate private
method. (This work is similar to parts of assignments C
and D for Component 2.)
When you have completed your assigned work on the sorting
algorithms (just handling one of case A, B, or C, as specified
on Canvas), follow these instructions.
As in component 2, adjust variables/definitions
minDataSetSize , maxDataSetSize , sizeIncrement ,
and numSimIterations (found just after the
program header), so that the elapsed time for running the
first data set is between 2.0 and 4.0 seconds, and so that the
program does not yield segmentation faults (at least for some runs).
Program sortAlgsForInts.c
(from above) shows both recursive and iterative
implementations of a Merge Sort.
Review the two implementations carefully. Except for the
difference form (recursion versus iteration), to what
extent do these implementations perform exactly the same
work. Of course, recursion and iteration may perform tasks
in different orders, but is the overall work the same, or
does one implementation perform some work that the other
does not? Explain.
sortAlgsForInts.cpp , and compare the run times of
the recursive and iterative implementations. Are the
times similar, or is one approach more efficient than the
other (and by about how much 5%, 10%. etc.)? Explain.
Now focus on the iterative and recursive methods that you
within sortAlgsForPersons.cpp
With your addition of the recursive implementation for
your assigned sorting algorithm, run the program and compare
the timings of the recursive and iterative versions of the
sorting procedure.
Is the time roughly the same, or is one
implementation more efficient? And if there is a noticeable
difference, how much more (e.g., 5%, 10%, etc.)?
Looking at the results you obtained for this component of this
project, and considering results shared by others in your
group, can you make a preliminary conclusion regarding the
likely impact of utilizing recursion versus iteration in
implementing an algorithm? Does one approach have a clear
efficiency advantage? Does one approach have a clear
advantage regarding clarity? Overall, what guidelines might
you suggest regarding the use of recursion versus iteration?
| Motivating Question 3 regarding
efficiency of recursive versus iteratie implementations
| Based on the assignment posted on
Canvas, (A, B, or C), each student should submit all of the
A listing of the extended SortingAlgForPersons.cpp program and the output
it produces.
Discussion of both the relative readability of the code with
and without swap procedures), and analysis of the extent to
which utilizing the swap procedure impacts run time.
As introduced in component 2,
program sortAlgsForPersons.cpp
runs versions of three sorting algorithms, Selection Sort,
Insertion Sort, and Merge Sort for several Person
array. The code also checks that each algorithm sorts correctly
by name, by location, and by phone. This component considers
whether the sorting algorithm is stable.
For this Project component, check the Project page on Canvas
to determine which sorting algorithm you should utilize and
whether you should consider sorting by name or by location.
- Describe how code might be tested to determine if the
implementation of a sorting algorithm is stable.
One possible approach would involve two steps: First sort
the array by telephone number and then by either name or
Will this approach provide a solid test to determine
stability? If so, explain carefully. If not, suggest a
different testing strategy and explain why it works.
Add a method
testStability to
program sortAlgsForPersons.cpp
to implement your stability test.
Run your program to determine if your designated algorithm
for this Project component is stable.
If the sorting algorithm is stable, explain why.
If not, but the code can be refined (in no more than a
couple lines) to yield a stable algorithm, describe those
changes, then test your code to demonstrate the adjusted
algorithm is stable.
If the code cannot be easily changed
to yield a stable algorithm, explain why such an
adjustment is not possible.
- If you can obtain a stable sort procedure, run the following
- Experiment 1:
- Modify your program to perform a sort by name and save
the results in an array or vector.
- For a copy of the original array or vector, first sort
by firstName and then by surname.
- To what extent is the result of these two sorts
- Experiment 2: Repeat the previous experiment, except in
the second step sort by surname and then by FirstName.
Again, to what extent is the result of these two sorts
To what extent do these experiments confirm or contradict your
conclusions about designing tests for stability, as discussed
at the start of this Project component?
| Motivating Question 4
| Based on the assignment posted on
Canvas, (A, B, or C), each student should submit all of the
Description of an algorithm to test whether an algorithm is
stable, and an argument why this test works.
A listing of the
program and the output it produces.
If the original sorting algorithm (as translated
sortAlgForInts.cpp ) was not stable,
submit the code for a modest revision and an explanation
why the revision works, or
submit an explanation why a modest
adjustment is not possible to obtain stability.
Discuss the results and conclusions of the two experiments
described toward the end of this Project component.