CS 242, Section 002 Sonoma State University Fall, 2021
Discrete Structures for Computer Science
Instructor: Henry M. Walker

Lecturer, Sonoma State University
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Mathematics, Grinnell College

Tentative Class Schedule

Tuesday Thursday
August 17 Preparation
  • Last day before classes start
August 19 Unit A: Getting Started
  • Introductions
  • Quick Course Overview
  • Home Page / Syllabus / Schedule
  • Clicker set up
  • Status Check—where are we really?

Unit B: Logic and Proof
  • 1.1 Propositional Logic
  • 1.2 Applications of Propositional Logic
August 24 Unit B: Logic and Proof
  • 1.3 Propositional Equivalences
  • 1.4 Predicates and Quantifiers

  • 1.2.6 Circuits
  • 12.2 Representing Boolean Functions
  • 12.3 Logic Gates
August 26 Unit B: Logic and Proofs
  • 12.4.1-12.4.2 Minimization of Circuits

  • 1.5 Nested Quantifiers
  • 1.6 Rules of Inference
  • 1.7 Introduction to Proofs—Introduction
Due: Assignment 1
August 31 Unit C: Basic Structures
  • 1.7 Introduction to Proofs, continued
  • 1.8 Proof Methods and Strategy

  • Quiz 1
September 2 Unit C: Basic Structures
  • 1.8 Proof Methods and Strategy, continued

  • 2.1 Sets
  • 2.2 Set Operations
  • 2.3 Functions
Due: Assignment 2
September 7 Unit C: Basic Structures
  • 2.5 Cardinality of Sets
  • 3.1 Algorithms
  • 2.4 Sequences and Summations

September 9 Unit D: Algorithms
  • 3.1 Algorithms, continued
  • 2.4 Sequences and Summations, continued

  • 9.1 Relations and Their Properties
  • 9.2 n-ary Relations and Their Application
Due: Assignment 3
September 14 Unit E: Induction and Recursion
  • 5 Induction and Recursion (3 lectures)
  • 5.1 Mathematical Induction
  • 5.2 Strong Induction

  • Quiz 2
September 16 Unit E: Induction and Recursion
  • More Induction
  • 5.3 Recursive Definitions

  • Review of Previous Material
Due: Assignment 4
September 21 Unit E: Induction and Recursion
  • 5.4 Recursive Algorithms

  • Review of Previous Material
September 23
  • 5.4 Recursive Algorithms

  • Questions/Test Review
Due: Assignment 5
Due: Optional Quiz 2 Revision
September 28 Test 1 September 30 Unit E: Induction and Recursion
  • Relations and their properties
  • More Recursion

October 5 Unit F: Graphs
  • 10.1 Graphs and Graph Models
  • 10.2 Graph Terminology and Special Types of Graphs

  • 10.3 Representing Graphs
  • 10.2 Hall's Marriage Theorem
  • October 7 Unit F: Graphs
    • 10.4 Connectivity
    • 10.6 Shortest-Path Problem

    • 10.3 Graph Isomorphism
    Due: Assignment 6
    October 12 Unit F: Graphs
    • 10.5.2 Euler Paths
    • 10.5.3 Hamilton Paths
    • 10.7 Planar Graphs

    October 14 Unit G: Trees
    • 11.1 Introduction to Trees
    • 11.3 Tree Traversals and other Recursive Tree Algorithms
    Due: Assignment 7
    October 19 Unit G: Trees
    • More Recursive Tree Algorithms
    October 21 Unit G: Trees
    • Still More Recursive Tree Algorithms
    • 11.2 Applications of Trees

    • Questions/Test Review
    Due: Assignment 8
    October 26 Test 2 October 28 Unit H: Counting
    • 6.1 The Basics of Counting
    • 6.2 The Pigeonhole Principle
    November 2 Unit H: Counting
    • 6.3 Permutations and Combinations
    • 6.4 Binomial Coefficients and Identities
    November 4 Unit H: Counting
    • 6.5 Generalized Permutations and Combinations
    Due: Assignment 9
    November 9 Unit H: Counting
    • Tree Applications
      • 11.2.3 Decision Trees
      • 11.2.4 Prefix Codes (Huffman Codes)
    • Quiz 4
    November 11 Holiday: Thursday, November 11 (Veterans Day)
    November 16 Unit H: Counting
    • Review of Tree Algorithms and Counting Techniques
    November 18 Unit I: Discrete Probability
    • 7.1 An Introduction to Discrete Probability
    • 7.2 Probability Theory
    Due: Assignment 10
    November 23 Unit I: Discrete Probability
    • 7.4 Expected Value and Variance

    • Quiz 5
    November 25 Holiday: Thanksgiving (November 25)
    November 30 Unit I: Discrete Probability
    • Probability estimation through simulation
    • Examples and Exercises
    Due: Assignment 11
    December 2 Last day of class: Thursday, December 2
    • Examples and Exercises
    • Semester Wrap-up
    December 7 Exam schedule: December 6-10 December 9  
    created 22 June 2021
    developed and refined Summer 2021
    revised 16 November 2021
    revised 30 November 2021
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    For more information, please contact Henry M. Walker at walker@cs.grinnell.edu.