Mounting your blue home-directory on iMacs in Darwin 25 and Darwin 28

Follow these steps to mount your blue home-directory on the local machine.
  1. From the Finder's Go menu, select Connect to Server...

  2. You will be presented with a window to enter the server address. Change the server address if necessary to match the following image.

  3. Click on Connect to get a prompt from blue to log in. Enter your blue login-name and password and then click on Connect.

  4. You should see your blue login-name here. Here, we have used teststudent, a student account that we use for testing, to log into blue. Notice that on the left menu, under SHARED, blue should appear as a mounted disk. You can always click on it to get back to your blue home-directory. Make sure you have a folder called cs115 (If not, you can create it by right-click and select "New Folder").

  5. Now, launch PyCharm.

  6. Click on Create New Project. Notice that the default is to create the project on the local machine. We do not want that. So, click on the three dots on the right side Location to select a directory through the Finder.

  7. A window opens up asking you to select base directory. For that scroll down and look for Volumes, then select the CS115 folder as shown below.

  8. After having clicked OK, we get the old window back with the Location shows as "/Volumes/teststudent/cs115". Modify this manually by adding "/Lab02" in the end to get the window below. Click Create.

  9. Notice that the folder Lab02 shows up in Finder under cs115 directory.

  10. Back to PyCharm, Double click on Lab02 on top-left to see the window below

  11. Let's create a new file. Right click on Lab02 and select New->Python File. In the window that opens up enter the name of the file as and press OK.

  12. It looks just as if it were created on the local machine..

  13. It would be helpful to get in the habit of pressing Command-S to save your file just before you run it.