CS 115 Reading: Week 12
Sorting algorithms, continued
By the end of Week 12, you should be comfortable with:
- Tracing the execution of selection sort
- Tracing the steps of merge sort (not the actual code)
- Reasoning about the performance of selection sort and merge sort
Suggested readings:
- Section 13.1 of your textbook is about selection sort. For mergesort, skip Section 13.2 and go straight to Section 13.3,
which describes the algorithm at a higher level and compares its performance to that of selection sort. You can go back to
Section 13.2 later if you really want the gory details.
- The site sorting-algorithms.com has language-independent visualizations of lots of sorting algorithms, including selection sort and mergesort.
Object-Oriented Programming
By the end of Week 12, you should be familiar with basic object-oriented terminology and how to identify classes, objects, and methods in object-oriented code.
Suggested readings: