CS 115 Project 1 FULL Grading Sheet

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Correctness (55 points)

Test Cases (50 points -- 5 points each)

Case 1:Scenario: one location (see Checkpoint B, Sample 2 for an example of this scenario).
Case 2:Scenario: three locations, where one has the lowest WCT, another has the lowest air temperature and another has the highest wind velocity (see Checkpoint B, Sample 1 for an example of this scenario).
Case 3:Scenario: three locations, where one has both lowest WCT and the lowest air temperature, and the last has the highest wind velocity.
Case 4:Scenario: three locations, where one has all three extreme statistics (lowest WCT, lowest air temperature and highest wind velocity).
Case 5:Scenario: three locations, where the decimal precision of the input wind velocity has no decimal places, and the requested decimal precision of outputs is 4 decimal places (see Checkpoint B, Sample 1 for an example of this scenario).
Case 6:Scenario: two locations, where the decimal precision of the input wind velocity has 2 decimal places, and the requested decimal precision of outputs is 4 decimal places.
Case 7:Scenario: 5 locations, with air temperature and wind velocities selected randomly from the NWS table.
Case 8:Scenario: 5 locations, with air temperature and wind velocities generated randomly and likely outside the range of the NWS table.
Case 9:Scenario: number of locations is less than 1 (see Final Code, Sample 1 and 2 for examples of this scenario).
Case 10:Scenario: decimal precision is out of range (see Final Code, Sample 3 and 4 for examples of this scenario).

Spacing / spelling / grammar / punctuation (5 points)

Your spelling, punctuation, etc. get a separate score: each minor error in spacing, punctuation, or spelling gets a score of 2.5, and each major error gets a score of 5. Here is how the score translates to points on the assignment:

[5]Score = 0
-1 0 < Score <= 2.5
-2 2.5 < Score <= 5
-3 5 < Score <= 7.5
-4 7.5 < Score <= 10
-5Score > 10

Programming Style (25 points)

Docstring (5 points)

There should be a docstring at the top of your submitted file with the following information:

1 pt.Your name (first and last)
1 pt.The course (CS 115)
1 pt.The assignment (e.g., Project 1)
2 pts.A brief description of what the program does

Documentation (6 points)

Not counting the docstring, your program should contain at least three comments explaining aspects of your code that are potentially tricky for a person reading it to understand. You should assume that the person understands what Python syntax means but may not understand why you are doing what you are doing.

6 pts.You have at least 3 useful comments (2 points each)

Variables (5 points)

5 pts.Variables have helpful names that indicate what kind of information they contain.

Algorithm (4 points)

2 pts.Your algorithm is straightforward and easy to follow.
2 pts.Your algorithm is reasonably efficient, with no wasted computation or unused variables.

Program structure (5 points)

All or nothing: your code should define a main function and then call that function, just like our programs do in the lab. Other than library imports, the docstring, and the final call to main(), you should not have any stray code outside a function definition.


For students using language features that were not covered in class, up to 5 points may be taken off if the principles of programming style are not adhered to when using these features. If you have any questions about what this means, ASK!